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How to Anodize 7075 Plate


The 7xxx aluminum belongs to the Al-Zn-Mg-Cu super-hard aluminum. It is an ultra-high-strength in the aircraft industry, which is characterized by good plasticity after solution treatment, particularly good heat treatment strengthening effect. They have poor welding performance and have stress corrosion cracking tendency. Two-stage aging can improve the alloy's ability to resist stress corrosion cracking.

7075 plate is a cold-treated forging alloy with high strength, far better than mild steel. 7075 Aluminum is one of the most powerful alloys commercially available. The 7075 aluminum alloy has a compact structure, strong corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties and anodic reaction.

7075 plate.jpg

When 7075 sheet is is pre-treated, alkali or acid polishing, there will be a layer of black ash that is difficult to neutralize. We can use fractional alkali or acid polishing instead of doing it all at once. The following is an example of acid polishing:

The first chemical polishing time can be polished for 10s, and the second polishing time is 10s. Then we can use water wash to neutralize the black ash. If the effect is not good, you can choose to polish again for 2-3 seconds, and then neutralize again.

Normal nitric acid neutralization is not suitable to remove the black film. The solution of 350g/L nitric acid and part of chromic anhydride at the temperature of 30-35 degrees Celsius has good effect. The anode voltage can be increased step by step in an incremental manner.

The sulfuric acid concentration is controlled at 200g/L, and the temperature is 16-18 degrees Celsius, which should not be be too high. The product after pretreatment is better to be washed by deionized pure water to prevent chloride ions from being brought into the oxidation tank and causing corrosion of the workpiece.

Haomei Aluminium has all the main 7xxx aluminum sheets like 7075, 7050, 7045, 7068,70755, 7150 ,etc. Welcome to leave message below to inquire Al 7075 price.

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