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Features of 7075 t6 aircraft aluminum sheet


  7075t6 aircraft aluminum sheet is the most typical aviation aluminum sheet. It has the features of high specific strength, good processing and formability, low cost, and good maintainability. It is widely used in aircraft main structure materials. The 7075 aluminum plate was successfully developed in 1943. It was the first 7xxx aluminum alloy actually used in the aviation field. It was successfully applied to the American B-29 bomber. The strength of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy was the highest among aluminum alloys at that time, but its resistance to stress corrosion and spalling corrosion was poor. With the development of technology, the stress corrosion cracking resistance of 7075-t6 can be improved by adding a small amount of copper, chromium and other alloys. The heat-treated 7075 aluminum plate can reach very high strength characteristics. Therefore, 7075t6 aircraft aluminum sheet has a relatively high hardness, which is very suitable for aircraft construction.

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  In addition to extremely high hardness, the heat-treated 7076 aircraft aluminum sheet also has good drilling performance, which is very suitable for later processing. Generally speaking, magnesium is added to 707 aluminum plate containing 3%-7.5% zinc, which can not only greatly improve the heat treatment effect of 7075 aluminum plate, but also improve its wear resistance. 7075t6 aviation aluminum sheet is an excellent product among aluminum alloy products, with good mechanical properties and excellent anodizing effect.

  In the future, the design requirements of the new generation of advanced aircrafts such as flight speed, structural weight reduction and stealth will be improved, and the specific strength, specific rigidity, damage tolerance performance, manufacturing cost and structural integration requirements of aviation aluminum panels will be greatly enhanced. 7075t6 aircraft aluminum plate already has a good technical foundation in this field, and it is bound to play a greater role in the aviation manufacturing industry.

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