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AA 2024 Aircraft Aluminum Sheet


The aircraft and aerospace industries have long relied on aluminum alloys. Whether designing commercial aircraft or building sophisticated space shuttles, aluminum alloys are vital materials. The aircraft aluminum sheets are most commonly used in the manufacture of fuselages, wings, and supporting structures, bringing a range of benefits to aircraft and space flight engineering.

2024 aluminum alloy has excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, performs well at room and low temperature conditions, and has relatively good fatigue resistance, especially in thick plates, making it suitable for most aircraft structural applications.

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Aluminum 2024 is divided into 2024-O, 2024-T3, 2024-T4, 2024-T5 and 2024-T351 according to heat treatment temperature. The mechanical properties of these 2024 alloys may vary depending on the tempering of the material. 2024-H112 hardness: about HB85 2024-T4 hardness: HB120~145 2024-T351 hardness: HB120~145 2024-0 hardness: about HB40

The heat treatment state commonly used in aviation components is T42 (solid solution + natural aging) state. For example, many 2024 aluminum alloys used in aviation products such as Boeing and Airbus are in T42 state [1].

2024-T3 is one of the most widely used alloys in fuselage structures. It has medium yield strength, good resistance to fatigue crack growth and good fracture toughness. 2024 aluminum alloy is still an important aircraft structural material due to its excellent damage tolerance and high resistance to fatigue crack growth under T3 aging conditions.

Like aa 2024 aluminum alloy, 7075 aluminum alloy is also common in the aerospace industry. The main reason is that it is one of the strongest aluminum alloys. Through precipitation hardening, it can achieve 83,000 psi tensile strength and 73,000 psi yield strength compared to 2024 aluminum alloy. In terms of application, 7075 is suitable for applications that require high stress/strain strength. However, 2024 is suitable for applications that require high cycle fatigue strength.

2024 alloy is primarily used in aerospace applications and is known for its high strength. Its main alloying element is copper, and although it is strong and has good fatigue resistance, it is less machinable and weldable than 6061. It also has poor corrosion resistance and is commonly used in wing and fuselage structures that are subject to high tensions.

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